OpaVote Online Voting

OpaVote Demonstration Election

This is a demonstration election to show some of the features of OpaVote. There are five contests illustrating different voting methods supported by OpaVote. In your own elections, you can customize this text, use rich formatting, and include pictures. Below, you can also see example reports showing the results of this election so far.

Approve Board Decision

This is the first contest in this election. Here, we are deciding whether to approve a board decision using plurality voting. In this example, the voter is required to select a choice, but you can also allow voters to cast empty votes.

Instructions: Click to select or unselect a choice. You must select exactly 1 choice.


This second contest is for electing a president using instant runoff voting. This is an example of the ranked simple ballot. The next contest shows the ranked enhanced ballot.

Instructions: Drag the choices to arrange them in order of preference with your most preferred at the top and your least preferred at the bottom.

Executive Committee

This third contest is for electing two people to an executive committee using the single transferable vote. This is an example of the ranked enhanced ballot.

Instructions: Use the buttons to add choices to the ballot, and then drag to arrange them in order of preference with your most preferred at the top and your least preferred at the bottom.

Most Valuable Player

This fourth contest is to select a most valuable player of a sports team using Condorcet voting.

Instructions: Drag the choices to arrange them in order of preference with your most preferred at the top and your least preferred at the bottom.

Select Day for Lunch

This fifth contest is to select a day for lunch among colleagues using approval voting.

Instructions: Select the choices that you approve of.

Instructions: Double check your ballot. Then click the "Vote!" button to cast your vote.

Preliminary results are available here (updated every 5 minutes).